Enfin sortis de la ville, nous apprécions les vignes et la vue sur le lac entre Chambésy et Genthod.
Finally out of the city, we appreciate the vineyards
and view over the lake between Chambésy and Genthod.
A Pregny, l’un des (rares) panneaux qui présente le parcours du Sentier des Huguenots, qui n’a pas son balisage propre, mais suit d’autres chemins. Par ex., ici, la Via Jacobi n°4 (chemin de St-Jacques) et le Chemin Panorama Alpin n°3.
In Pregny, we see one of the (rare) signs that
present the Huguenot Trail, which does not have its own markers but uses those
of other trails. For ex., here, the Via Jacobi n°4 (Camino de Santiago) and the
Alpine Panorama Trail n°3.
Alain has lived many years in Geneva and he knows the
city well, its history, its neighborhoods… Here at the Place du Molard, a
reminder that Geneva has been a “city of refuge” for many, notably the
I start at the International Museum of the
Reformation, near St. Peter’s Cathedral in the old city. I’m met there by
Alain, a long-time friend who also accompanied me for one of my first stages on
my hike towards Canterbury on the Via Francigena in 2016.
Mon parcours sur le « Sentier des Huguenots » à travers la Suisse est un peu plus « décousu » que mes autres marches. J’ai donc décidé de vous le présenter dans l’ordre géographique plutôt que chronologique… mais on commencera en juin 2021.
My hike across Switzerland on the “Huguenot Trail” is a bit more “disjointed” than my other hikes, so I’ve decided to present it to you in geographical order rather than chronological… but we’ll start in June 2021.
Me voilà parti pour la traversée de la Suisse sur les "Sentiers des Huguenots". Des chemins non pas de "pèlerinage" à proprement parler, car on n'allait pas vers un lieu saint mais on fuyait la persécution des Protestants en France à la fin du 17e siècle. Beaucoup fuiront jusqu'en Allemagne, voire aux pays scandinaves, comme l'ancêtre huguenot de mon épouse Donna, qui est allé jusqu'en Suède.
So I'm off again, this time across Switzerland on the "Huguenot Trails". Not strictly speaking "pilgrim" routes, since they were not going to a holy place but rather fleeing the persecution of Protestants in France at the end of the 17th century. Many would go as far as Germany, or even to the Scandinavian countries, like the Huguenot ancestor of my wife Donna, who would go all the way to Sweden.
Ainsi se termine notre parcours sur
les traces de Nikulas de Munkathvera…
Rendez-vous bientôt sur le Sentier
des Huguenots, entre Genève et Schaffhouse !
And so ends our hike in the steps of Nikulas of Munkathvera…
See you soon on the “Huguenot Trail”, between Geneva and Schaffhausen!
Then she shows us the way through the vineyards to reach Vevey…
Ma collègue pasteure Florence nous
reçoit – trempés! – chez elle à Chardonne, avec un verre de blanc local, comme
il se doit !
My pastor colleague Florence welcomes us – we’re soaked! – at her home in Chardonne, with a glass of the local wine, of course!
Rain is threatening as we walk down the east side of the Mont-Pèlerin (“pilgrim
… and his friend Erika on the way out of the village (Michel lived in
this area for 17 years)
Michel links up with his friend Jean-Michel in the industrial zone of
Granges (Veveyse)…
Dominique et Lorelise nous guide pour les premiers km, puis nous continuons seuls.
Dominique + Lorelise guide us for the first few km, then we continue on
our own.
Dominique is president of the Catholic parish in Promasens and shows us
their church with pride
Long-time friend Dominique comes to meet us on the way and guide us to
their home in Promasens, where we’ll spend the night
No more flat trail along the Broye : after Bressonnaz, it’s all
We cross paths with pilgrim Flavia, with her fantastic smile, on her way
home to the Grisons, following the Camino
Beau culte ce matin à Curtilles avec la jeune pasteure Céline. Miléna fait les lectures bibliques.
Lovely worship service this morning in Curtilles, with young pastor
Céline. Miléna does the Bible readings.
Good breakfast at Miléna’s… accompanied by her 4 dogs!
Lucens Castle, seen from Miléna’s flat, who hosts us this evening.
Pèlerin “medieval” Laurent, rencontré près d’Henniez. Il aide pour l’entretien du Camino de Santiago dans ce secteur.
“Medieval” pilgrim Laurent, whom we met near Henniez. He helps with maintaining the Camino in this sector.
La magnifique abbatiale millénaire … Difficile de croire que les Bernois l’ont transformée en… grenier, au temps de la Réforme!
The thousand-year-old Abbey Church… Difficult to believe that the
Bernese transformed it into… grain storage at the time of the Reformation!
Impossible de « louper » les belles églises à Payerne !
Impossible to « miss » the beautiful churches in Payerne!
They tell us we also missed a beautiful church in Russy… which we walked
through but didn’t see the church!
Très chouette accueil chez Alice + Jean-Claude, à Corcelles-près-Payerne. Ils sont de la paroisse de langue allemande ici.
Lunch break near the Roman arena in Avenches (Aventicum)
Nous avons pris un sentier en plaine le long du lac pour éviter un détour sur la colline… sans savoir qu’on allait louper une belle église romane à Donatyre. Le couple qui nous accueillera ce soir nous le dira…
We took a flat trail along the lake to avoid a detour into the hills…
not realizing we would miss a beautiful Romanesque church in Donatyre. The
couple who host us this evening will tell us…
The trails are sometimes muddy, after all the rain last night.
Flag of the city of Morat + the old town in the morning.
Quand on arrive enfin près de Morat, la pluie est revenue… mais elle attendra le soir pour tomber au plus fort !
we arrive near Morat (Murten, in German), the rain has come back… but at least the
hardest rain will wait for the evening!
Après de nombreuses cultures en serre, nous suivons un long moment une piste cyclable… Il faut juste faire attention aux vélos !
numerous greenhouses, we follow a bike path for quite a ways… You just have to
be careful of the bikes!
have our picnic break by the pretty church in Kerzers. The weather has
fortunately improved in the middle of the day!