(English text below in blue)

Un pasteur protestant qui parcourt divers chemins de pèlerinage à travers l'Europe...
(pour les messages précédents, voir sous "blog archive" en bas à droite - en rouge)

(ENGLISH TEXT IN BLUE throughout this blog)

A protestant pastor hikes different pilgrim paths across Europe...
(for previous posts, check the "blog archive" on the lower right - in red)

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Jolie maison à Altnau

Beautiful half-timbered house in Altnau

1 comment:

  1. Like the photos of the countryside and architecture. I guess you had an alternate route to get around the landslide...Nate has his Etats des Lieux today, and is excited to finally get the keys at 4pm. Now I pra<y they will fix the elevator at his old place, en panne yesterday...
