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Un pasteur protestant qui parcourt divers chemins de pèlerinage à travers l'Europe...
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(ENGLISH TEXT IN BLUE throughout this blog)

A protestant pastor hikes different pilgrim paths across Europe...
(for previous posts, check the "blog archive" on the lower right - in red)

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Lucerne : l'église jésuite / the Jesuit church


Non loin du Kapellbrücke, on visite l'église jésuite où on trouve des reliques chers aux Jésuites, qui ont mené la Contre-Réforme contre les protestants iconoclastes. Il y a aussi un autel dédié à St-Nicolas-de-Flüe, saint patron de la Suisse (15e siècle) et saint patron mondial de la Paix, surnommé affectueusement "Bruder Klaus".

Near the Kapellbrücke we visit the Jesuit church, where we discover various relics, appreciated by the Jesuits who led the Counter-Reformation against the iconoclast Protestants. There is also an altar dedicated to St. Nicholas of Flüe, 15th-century patron saint of Switzerland, and world-wide patron saint of Peace, affectionately nicknamed "Brother Klaus". 

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